Who We Are

Jameson Queen Animal Hospital is a family-owned
veterinary practice that reflects a distinct set of values:

Kind To All Creatures

There isn’t a creature on the planet whom we do not regard with great respect; we consider the opportunity to help animals a tremendous honor.

Always Learning

We are relentlessly curious and are always seeking the next research article, clinical study, or revolutionary technology that will enhance our patient outcomes and comfort.

Attentive To The Individual

We believe animals deserve the same individualized approach to health as humans do. Every critter has unique needs, from how we handle them in exams, to what kind of treatment is best.

Focused On Root Causes

While acute situations do sometimes require an immediate response, we are never satisfied with merely treating symptoms. Your pet’s condition is often an indication of a deeper issue, and like explorers on a quest into new territory, we are fiercely determined to unveil root causes!

Practical In Our Treatment Approach

Although we are quite proud of our diagnostic capacity at our animal hospital, we never order tests thoughtlessly—we only suggest what is most prudent for our clients. We practice “Contextualized Care” in all we do, which simply means all decisions are made with the life context of you and your pet in mind.

Schedule An Appointment Online

Jameson Queen Animal Hospital is a small animal veterinary practice in the heart of Toronto’s hub of locally-owned businesses.

Our quality medical atten­tion is matched with compas­sionate guid­ance, based on the needs of the whole family.

Family Owned, Family-Like Care