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Our mission is to provide compas­sion and kind­ness to all crea­tures. At our hospi­tal, we live by the Golden Rule, and we extend it to the animals and humans in our care and in our commu­nity. To that end, we will provide not only quality medical atten­tion for your compan­ion animal, but compas­sion­ate guid­ance for the needs of the whole family; trans­par­ent and thor­ough infor­ma­tion to help you make the best deci­sions for your companion’s health and quality of life; and loving atten­tion to compan­ion animals and their trusted human care­tak­ers when under­tak­ing diffi­cult proce­dures and deci­sions, includ­ing saying goodbye to our best friends. 

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